GET SMART is a full-length comedy-satire play adapted for the stage from the hilarious classic 1960s spy spoof TV series created by Mel Brooks. The show introduced the world to America's best secret agent, the bumbling Maxwell Smart – Agent 86, and his loyal sidekick Agent 99, plus The Chief and all the other goofy spies at the international spy agency CONTROL. In this play, after an elaborate diversionary wild-goose-chase around Washington DC, the hapless agents attempt to save humanity and stop the evil organization KAOS and its mysterious suave mastermind Mr Big from blowing up the Statue of Liberty.
Paul Bishop
Daniel Parlevliet
Assistant Director
Maxwell Smart
Agent 99
Mr Big
Princess Ingrid
Professor Dante
Professor Zalinka
Miss Finch
Agent 44
Agent 13
Little Sister
Anthony Miles
Georgia O'Keefe
Bill Harrow
Charlie Finnecy
Lara Cramp
Chris Phillips
Matt Barnes
Andrew Toomey
Wendy Beck
Vickii Byram
Kate Meredith
Adam Hempsell
Matteo Donati
Lilly Meredith
Amelie Oliver, Billy Bowen, Lisa Harris, Hailey Ketelaar, Nina Lindley, Padmini Sinha-Gröger, Piper Graham, Tilly McDonald