Chemical Imbalance is the story of the shy Henry Jekyll, who is the unmarried son of a wealthy Victorian family. In his laboratory, he conducts secret experiments in an attempt to isolate the organic component that determines whether we are controlled by the good or the evil inside us. Finding a potion he believes will work, he tries it out on himself to disastrous effect. His evil half is an alter ego named Mr. Hyde who emerges to wreak havoc. In the end, a well meaning Jekyll pays the price for the crimes committed by Hyde, and is punished for his own sin of tampering with nature.
Gunter Bieniasch
Euphronia Jekyll
Dr Jekyll / Mr Hyde
Ambrosia Jekyll
Xavier Utterson
Rosamunda Dewthistle
Lady Throckmortonshire
Kate Meredith
Bill Harrow
Bianca Churcher
Anthony Miles
Penny Evens
Paul Bishop
Annelise Turner
Daniel Parlevliet
Angela Quee
Nicholas Kable
Dallas Laundry